HOW TO choose the BEST ACX Narrator for your Audiobook ~ Part 2
Author Cheri Schmidt and I have started a YouTube series of How-To's to help authors with the audiobook production process of their books.
The number one question Cheri is asked about audiobook production at writer's conferences is, "How do I choose a good producer/narrator for my book?"THIS IS PART 2
Please comment and let us know if this is helpful to you, or if you have any other questions for us. Thanks for visiting!
The next thing to ask yourself as you begin to look for a producer/narrator is:
If it's written in third person, how many male and female characters are in the story?
If there are a majority of male characters in your story, then you should probably choose a male narrator. If there are a majority of female characters in your story, then you should probably choose a female narrator. But be sure to listen to the samples from the narrators you're considering to see if you like how they do voices for the opposite sex. You want your listener to be drawn into the story and held there by the voice of the reader, if a strange sounding voice is too jarring or distracting, it will yank the reader out of the story and they won't enjoy the experience as much as they could have.
Note: ACX is probably the best place to find the right narrator for you story and get production going.
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